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Christmas Kitchen - 16oz
Flash Point - 180. Color - Light Green. Skin Safe
Price: $17.95

Detailed Description

A unique combination of all scents that are Christmas and all year long. Fresh baked cookies, pine and peppermint. A must try.

Recommended usage 1oz per lb.

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(5 Ratings, 3 Reviews) Average Rating:
Not My Cup of Tea
Amber Bryson (Paragon, IN) 10/17/2023 10:54 PM
I overlooked the word pine in the description. I don’t enjoy pine at all. So I have an 8 oz bottle of this and in my head no one will want it. The reviews say otherwise… so I am going to make it and see what happens. When I think of a Christmas kitchen it just doesn’t include the smell of pine. I know pine tree = Christmas tree, but that isn’t in your kitchen.
Great Christmas scent
Amie (Ohio) 11/11/2014 12:55 PM
Love this scent. I sold out of this at my last show and have gotten orders for it consistently. Great mix of bakery and pine. I do not like pine scents at all but this one is perfect because it is so well balanced with the bakery scent. Yum! Great cold and hot throw in paraffin.
linda (florida) 3/16/2012 9:57 PM
i really like this for all year, the pine is barely noticeable. nice cookie and peppermint scent
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